Lizzy Lu's - Beauty Boutique, Ilam, Christchurch

Welcome to Winter

I hope everybody had a lovely long weekend & managed to stay warm & dry!

So Winter is officially here & we can sure feel it.

Fingers crossed its just a cold snap & doesn't last too long!

I'm thinking, what you will want this month is a heavenly back scrub & massage.... $39 for 30 minutes
How good does that sound?

Get into the warm bed with the electric blanket cranked up & have all your dead skin build up removed with a divine exfoliation of where it is impossible to reach yourself, the scrub will be hot towelled off & followed by a relaxing massage of your back, neck & shoulders.
The oil used will calm, de-stress & hydrate your back.

Ask for it to be left on for extra hydration or it will be hot towelled off too!

If you are finding your skin is feeling dry or looking dull please come for a skin consult so I can guide you on what your skin needs! It can be as simple as introducing a mask, serum or changing to something a little heavier for the drier months!

We often need to switch up our skincare routine from the warmer seasons to the cooler seasons when the humidity level drops, the water in your skin evaporates more quickly, making your skin feel dry & tight and it can even look flaky.
Changing your skincare or adding in facials can make the world of difference!

These specials are for the month of June only and there will be new specials for July. Keep a look out for them

Hope to see you soon

Lizzy x

Phone: 021 205 6936